Mac & Cheese Week

Burgers, Poutine and now Mac & Cheese, oh my!

If you’re a mac and cheese lover, this week was made especially for you. From March 9th to 16th, 10 restaurants across Montreal will offer up some extra special gooey goodness to quench your hunger for the ultimate comfort food! 11026016_723513904434036_6887710087369694772_nOrganized by Le Cheese mastermind, Ben Carter and in collaboration with L’Gros Luxe (both St. Andre and Bernard locations), the first Mac & Cheese Week features dishes from such Montreal favorites as Diablos, Dirt Dogs, Burger Royal, Suwu, Dinette Triple Crown, Pierre et Pierre and EVOO. The week will feature Montreal’s best mac & cheese chefs at each restaurant and promises to be a decadent and ‘yum’ inducing affair. Be sure to head over to after each visit and vote for your favorite!

Come extra hungry, leave extra happy! Enjoy!

For more info, check out the Mac & Cheese Week Facebook event page and just below are a couple of helpful hashtags to keep M&C lovers connected all week!








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